I have been helping this party as VP since Julian was elected PP a month ago.
I have worked behind the scenes a lot to grow this party. I believe in the party and what it stands for. This is not "real politics" though and this is a game, as such I wont go into a speech about social equality and higher pay etc.
If elected PP I will get our Party more mainstream then it already is. I promise to get into at least the 5th party spot and I will work hard to get as many congressmen (Congresswomen) elected. I have been a congressmen twice now and know the inner working of government and what the other parties desires are. I can do a lot more to further the UPC if given the PP position. As a congressmen for the party I try to get feedback from the party on current congress proposals before I vote, I would do a similar procedure if elected PP and would not rule dictatorially (if you want that then you can go to Rolo's party). I do not expect you to be a drone of the party but someone who participates in the party and contributes ideas.
Also I have been an active member for months and plan on remaining active so you can count on it that I will not become PP and then vanish (as a recent PP has done).
I was asked by a party member
1) How will you keep the party in the top 5?
2) How will you choose the ranking order for congress elections?
3) How often do you log in daily?
4) Which communication channels do you use and favor? (irc, party forums, eCanada forums, inGame PMs, articles, etc)
My answer is this:
1. I will keep messaging new players and tell them about the party and see if they would like to join. I would make recruitment articles. I would be active and try to thing fair and make others participate so people would feel involved in the party and want to stay and would spread the word.
2.I will choose the ranking order based on the players experience and dedication to the party.
3.I'm a university student with a lot of essays to write so I'm logged on a lot of the time during the day.
4. I like in game communications the best but I also use the forums and have been pushing for a IRC party chat room.
Please Vote for Lord Beorn for Party President of the UPC and see our party soar.
Thanks for reading